Life Insurance Companies in Nepal
Life insurance companies are the agents that provide life insurance policies following various rules and regulations . Here are some of the life insurance companies in Nepal:
Nepal Life Insurance Company
NepalLife is the foremost life insurance company established by private investors. The company has insured itself with well-known reinsurance company “Hannover Re Life Reinsurance Company”, Germany.
Heritage Plaza-1, 2nd Floor, Kamaladi, Kathmandu
01-4169082, 01-4169083, 01-4169085
Neco Insurance Limited
Neco Insurance Ltd. is a limited liability company registered under the Companies Act, 2021 BS. It was established on 1stPoush, 2051(16th December, 1994). It has been operating general insurance business in Nepal since 17thJestha, 2053 (30th May, 1996) as per the license granted by Insurance Board of Nepal.
Anamnagar, Kathmandu
4770127, 4770238, 4770462, 4770583, 4770595
Life Insurance Corporation Limited (LIC Nepal)
Life Insurance Corporation Nepal Limited (shortly called as L.I.C. Nepal) started in 2000 when global insurance company, Life Insurance Corporation of India, joined hands with Vishal Group.
Star Mall , 4th Floor, Kathmandu
01-4012613, 01-4012614
Metlife Nepal
MetLife is a branch of MetLife, Inc. operating in Nepal since 5 December 2001. As the first foreign company to be granted an insurance license in Nepal, MetLife is one of the leading Life Insurance, Accident & Health Insurance and Employee Benefits insurers in the country, providing attractive insurance protection and benefits at a competitive price.
Narayani Complex, Pulchowk, Lalitpur
Toll Free: 1660-01-55555 (NTC) , Fax: +977-1-5555173
Asian Life Insurance Company
Asian Life Insurance Company got an operating license as per Insurance Act 2049 from BeemaSamiti (Insurance Regulatory Authority of Nepal)on 27th February,2008 (Falgun 15, 2064) and started functioning on 3rd April, 2008 (Chaitra 21, 2064).
Kathmandu Ma.Na.Pa Ward No 30, Maitidevi
+977-1-4410115 | +977-1-4430270
Everest Insurance Company Ltd.
Everest Insurance Company has served for over 2 decades ensuring world-class property and casualty insurance products and services. Our insurance policies are varied in nature, and we have a wide range of non-life insurance schemes, which will ensure that you have a life of comfort.
New Rd, Pokhara, Western Region, Nepal
01 – 4444717, 4444718, 4445088, 4445090, 4445091,
4445092, 4444648, 4444649, 4444651, 4444652
Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd.
Shikhar Insurance Company Ltd. is an established General Insurance Company promoted by a young team of Industrial and Business Houses involved in various fields like Aviation, Banking, Manufacturing, Trading, Travel Trade, Media Houses etc.
Shikhar Biz Centre Fifth to Seventh Floor, Thapathali, Kathmandu
4246101, 4246102, 4246107
Reliance Life Insurance Limited
Reliance Life started its operation from Mangsir 1, 2074. We are proud to provide risk coverage and financial stability to our valued policyholders today and in the future. Reliance Life Insurance Limited, is also a true Nepali brand at heart and shares the same core value.
Krishna Tower, Kathmandu
Prabhu Life
Prabhu Life Insurance Ltd. (former Star Life Insurance Co. Ltd.) has been serving it’s valued customers since 2074 Mangsir 28 (December 14, 2017) by providing various life insurance products and services through its networks across Nepal. It belongs to the Prabhu Group of Companies.
Ameer Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Kamaladi Ganeshthan Kathmandu
4262223, 4226065, 4226856, 4226568
Citizen Life
Citizen Life is one of the fastest growing life insurance companies in Nepal. It started its operations on October 19, 2017 (Kartik 02, 2074) after Beema Samiti, the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Nepal, awarded it the operation license on August 23, 2017 (Bhadra 07, 2074).
Ambe Complex, Teku, Kathmandu
01-4216000, 01-4233818